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Favorite Recipes from 2017 {#FarmgirlFaves}

All the Favorite Recipes From 2017…collections compiled by you, by me, and by my family!

Favorite Recipes from 2017 chosen by readers

Just like I’ve done for the past few years (see 2016, 2015, 2014), I have created three separate collections of Favorite Recipes From 2017. The first, shown above, is a list of the top ten recipes as ranked by Google Analytics, in no particular order – although I will say that you all really, really, reeeeeeeally loved those chocolate chip cookies and the beef and asparagus kebabs! These are the recipes shared over the past year that had the most page views on a farmgirl’s dabbles. These recipes were chosen by you!

Favorite Recipes from 2017 chosen by the readers

And this second group is a collection of my own favorites. This is always a tough job; it’s incredibly difficult for me to narrow down the year’s recipe list to just ten choices. I could very easily list another ten more!

Favorite Recipes from 2017 chosen by the writer's family

And this final selection of recipes was handpicked by my family. Each year, I ask Blake and the girls to click through the archives and give me their favorite recipes. This is very fun for me, to find out what my special-est peeps liked best from the entire past year!

Blake (left column of photos):

Hatti (middle column of photos – notice the theme with this girl?!):

Tessa (right column of photos):


family photo

As we say goodbye to 2017, we want to thank you for being a part of this past year with a farmgirl’s dabbles. We are grateful and extremely honored that you spend time here with our family, and we’re super excited to see what 2018 has in store. Happiest New Year to you!

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