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10 Easy Freezer Jam Recipes

These 10 Easy Freezer Jam Recipes will keep you tasting the sweetness of summer all year long! They’re quick, easy, and they make the perfect topping or filling.

A Collage of the Best Homemade Freezer Jams

10 Easy Freezer Jam Recipes

Growing up, there was always a jar of homemade raspberry or rhubarb jam in the fridge. My mom’s garden was abundant with these fresh ingredients, and none was left to go to waste. Each summer, she stacked up jars of preserved deliciousness, in both fruit and vegetable form, in the makeshift canning pantry under the basement stairs. What a treat it always was in the dead of winter, to pop off the lid from a jar of her preserved applesauce, sweet cherries, green beans, or dill pickles. It was the very best grocery store around!

Thanks to the help of our oldest daughter, I have a collection of 10 Easy Freezer Jam Recipes to share with you.[rss-cut] Hatti likes to help out with the blog whenever she can, and has done a great job searching the internet for gorgeous fresh fruit jam recipes.

Why I Love Freezer Jams

Freezer jams are extremely easy to make, with no hot water bath canning process involved. So even if you’re nervous about creating your very first batch of jam, you really needn’t be. Making freezer jam is easy peasy, and you’ll be amazed by the super fresh fruit flavor. Please let me know if you give one of these recipes a try!

from top to bottom, left to right:

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17 comments on “10 Easy Freezer Jam Recipes”

  1. You inspired me to make 2 batches of jam last Saturday morning, the strawberry-rhubarb cardamom on your list and a co-worker’s rhubarb-fig marmalade (a la Fanny Farmer 1959 cookbook). One is in the freezer, the other was canned and sitting proudly in the pantry. Figs and rhubarb are an amazing combination. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Kari @ cooking with toddlers

    These are perfect! Can’t wait to try a few of them now that we are drowning in fruit over here .

  3. Carol at Wild Goose Tea

    Boy Howdy is freezer jam in a class of it’s own. It really really does retain the true fruit flavor—-like frozen veggies retain the flavor over canned. However that is not to say that bottled jam is the same category as canned veggie. I like regular jam!

  4. Christine at Cook the Story

    Freezer jam is the greatest idea ever! No time to stand over boiling water all day :)

  5. Kate @Framed Cooks

    Freezer jam! Even the name sounds summertime perfect. Thanks for this very delicious list. :)

  6. mmm…cinnamon nectarine and mango lime? Great list — thanks for including my strawberry basil, I’m honored!

  7. Nicole Lindstrom | Simply Happenstance

    Oh my Brenda, I am saying this out loud….I have never made jam before. It’s on my wish list to do. I will have to follow these lovely recipes as this all looks amazing! Was hoping to do so with strawberries from my garden, but the drought is killing my garden box.

  8. Maria | Pink Patisserie

    Freezer jams are hands down, by far my most favorite, and that rhubarb with orange and cardamom has my name written all over it! Such a great round up!