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Happy New Year!

a family photo in front of the pyramids in egypt

My family took a big step on December 15th.  We boarded an airplane for our first overseas flight.

For an adventure of a lifetime.  To an ancient city mortared together with layers and layers of rich and vibrant history.  To a place I thought only a story book or National Geographic special would show its face to little ol’ midwestern me.

To Cairo, Egypt.

Modern and ancient.

Chaotic, crowded, noisy, and polluted.

Enchanting, bewildering, passionate, and mysterious.

This is the metropolis my sister and her family have called home for the past three years.

And our family was indeed blessed to have spent the past two weeks getting acquainted with their beautiful Egyptian life.  A true adventure for me and my family, and a memorable way to bring 2010 to a close.

(For more of our adventures in Egypt, please go here and here and here.)


I want to thank all of you who have kept up with my dabbles over the past year.  Because of this blog, I’ve met loads of new and wonderful people and have reconnected with family and friends I haven’t talked to in years.  I am so grateful for your support, comments, and friendship.  It’s been a fun and delicious ride that I look forward to continuing in this new year.

I hope that you had a very merry Christmas and that your 2011 is richly blessed with joy and happy contentment.

All my best,

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14 comments on “Happy New Year!”

  1. Hi Brenda – my dad & Loree were cousins so I sometimes swing by here to check out your recipes when I see them on Blake’s FB. I’m not much of a cook but that tortilla soup will definitely get a try-out since I love that, and several others are tempting me. You also now have me craving lefse but I’m not about to try that much work; mail-order, here I come! Hope you blog more about your Egyptian adventure – so glad you guys got to go. I was only there for a couple of days but your “chaotic, crowded, noisy and polluted” is certainly on-target. Would love to hear more of what else you all experienced and your sister’s life there because I can’t imagine living in Egypt!

    1. Hi Karen – great to hear from you! Glad to hear you’ve found some recipes to try, and I’ll definitely get some more Egypt on here. Happy New Year to you!

  2. Kim at Quit Eating Out {Recipes to Make Dining Out a Choice, Not a Chore}

    I can only imagine what an amazing trip that must’ve been! And I’m sure your sister just LOVED having you there. So anxious to hear more. Happy New Year to you and your family!!

    1. Happy New Year to you, too, Kim – I’m so very happy to have met you this past year, and am very much looking forward to keeping up with you in 2011!

  3. The picture is AMAZING! Can’t wait to see more and hear everything. When you’ve unwound, unpacked and regrouped. Call me for a coffee date!

  4. Aren’t you so glad you went? You will always treasure those memories of time spent with your sister and her family in their home on the other side of the Atlantic. And I know she was beyond thrilled to have you there!

  5. Wow, it certainly looks like you’ve had a great time! And Happy New Year! I hope to continue reading your blog throughout the year.

  6. Wow, what a wonderful way to end the year! All the best to you and your family in 2011. Very happy to have found your blog and you!

  7. Andrea @ Simple Organized Living

    Welcome Back!!

    Looks like you had a great time…I can’t wait to hear/read more about it!

    Happy New year!